Thursday, October 16, 2008

What Will I be When I Grow Up?

I'm having a migraine and the meds are not yet working so hence I am not sleeping, so I am reflecting on some thoughts of the day on the computer.

In the reading of The Purpose Driven Life this week I had what I thought was a odd flash. Imagine being able to interview an unborn child nearly ready to deliver. In this fanciful tale a full conversation goes on to where you explain to the child what is about to happen next.

The muscular contractions will force him into the world of air leaving the comfort of amniotic fluid. The cord will be cut with sharp instruments. He will have to breathe air on his own, using his own muscles. There will be bright light for his eyes to adjust to. Instead of floating, his arms, legs and skeletal structure will strain till strong enough to get anywhere.

He looks at you, sticks out his tongue, and gives you a Bronx cheer. He emphatically states, "I am happy where I am, I am comfortable and there is no sense in changing. I have enough room to do what I want, plus, out there I might stub my toe, in here all I hit is mom's ribs or various organs. All that outside stuff, requires more than I am ready for. I need more time to finish up on some important projects I have already started. Get back to me in a few months or years and we can do this at a much more reasonable time." (talks a lot, doesn't he?).

The Apostle Paul wrote, "When I was a child, I thought as a child, spoke as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things." It was not that those things were wrong or evil, he just had better things to do.

Part way into this semester we got rid of our Dish for the TV. I could get "holier-than-thou" but honestly our mornings involved errands and things needing done, then Miriam went, to work, I started school. By 10pm she is home from work, I close my books, we watch the news, some of Jay Leno, and go to bed. I have internet for school, and can get that much TV for free on the computer. It was a no-brainer, not a Ho-spirituler. We quit because we were just doing other things (and saved $$ too). Besides, after the previous year of being sicker watching too much TV, I've seen about all the reruns I care to ever see.

Because of Angel-Food and the 40-day, I have started on-going conversations with three of my neighbors. That is good but we have been here in this house nearly four years. DUDE! what took me so stinkin' long? I have faced down a hundred inmates but get butterflies and sweaty palms to walk next door.

God is still patient, merciful and workin' on me. Thank-you Jesus.

Psalm 3:5-8 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.
I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.
Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God! For you have struck all my enemies on the jaw;
you have broken the teeth of the wicked. From the LORD comes your deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.

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