Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not Touched by God?

In Psalm 139 we are told basically there is not a single place in all the universe we could go to get away from God. If we are at peace with Him that is a good thing, if not... What has me kind of wondering is in James 4:8 it says "draw near to God and He will draw near to you". Now, how do you draw near to someone who is already everywhere? If His presence is inescapable what is the point of drawing near? I had run across Matthew 9 where a Jewish ruler asked (in Faith) for Jesus to come TOUCH his dead daughter, on the way the woman with the issue of blood said to herself (in Faith)("if only I could TOUCH Him"), she did and was healed. But in the previous chapter was the centurion who said (in Faith) "don't come to my house, just speak the word..." and the daughter was healed.
How close to the earth did God have to stand (?) when He spoke it into existence?
And for those who like puzzles, I have prayed for events that have already happened, when I was unaware of the outcome. Why not? Is God limited by time? If Jesus was the Lamb slain before the foundations of the earth were laid, then He was offered prior to the existence of mankind much less sin.
The instruction of Scripture is to put on the mind of Christ. "Drawing near" must then be parallel to thinking as He thinks, accepting things on His terms. When we pray there is one thing that I believe we can ask with full confidence that the Father desires to answer "YES".
Not more money
Not being bullet proof
Not outshouting opponents
Not to heal the flesh

It is that our Faith not fail in time of testing. In the garden Jesus said (Matthew 26:53) "Think not that I cannot now pray to my Father and He shall presently give Me MORE than twelve legion of angels?" Like Mr. T used to say, "Pity the fools" who incurred such wrath. DO NOT DOUBT. Wrath is coming. Great will be the destruction! He already torched Sodom and Gomorrah so it's not like He has to prove anything. Jehovah could speak everything out of existence as fast as He spoke it in. But He has a plan, not to worry, His children all get to go home.
I think in our minds we despair because we don't feel the TOUCH. Be of comfort, the Father has written into His WORD, Psalm 103:13,14 "Like as a father pities his children, so the LORD pities them that fear Him, He knows our frame He remembers that we are dust." Satan wants you to think God is far away, angry, and unable to help. In reality He is just waiting for the perfect moment then all Heaven will break loose and God will NOT help those who stand in His way. If He chooses to TOUCH you, thank Him and praise His name. If He doesn't, it is because He has more Faith in you than you realize.

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