Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sir, Yes Sir!

While watching the Rick Warren interview with John McCain, McCain brought up the Marines stationed in Beirut. He said that he advised then President Reagan, that it was a strategic error. We saw the result in the car bomb that killed the hundred plus Marines.

I imagine the base commander responsible for the young men. He would have been aware of the animosity of the locals, the lack of security, and the overall risk of putting his men in such a place. In his mind there might of been objections. He might have wanted to suggest safer encampments. But when the orders came down from the Commander-in-Chief, his response had to be one thing.

"Sir, yes sir."

After the bombing, he would have been among the first to be notified. I can say with confidence that, that base commander would have been angry, hurt and frustrated that "his" men died in such a way.

I jump to the interchange between Jesus and the Father before Bethlehem. The Father tells His Son, You will be cursed, disbelieved, mocked, scourged, your hands, your feet, your side pierced and for three days we will be separated. They knew all that and still Jesus went.

The marines may or may not have died to achieve a cause, Jesus willingly with full knowledge stepped down into our world to strategically blindside the enemy with an assault from which Satan has not and never will recover.

With that our Commander-in-chief says, "Take up your cross and follow me", our response has to be, "Sir, yes sir".

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