Thursday, October 16, 2008

Called to be Faithful

From 11,000 feet the view is awesome, on a mountain yes, from an airliner even more. It gave me chills and I tried to consider how God sees this world, so after our trip a thought came to me.
We were planning for the future of our church and I wondered what generation we are. In Matthew chapter 20, Jesus told of a landowner who hired workers in stages. By the hour, some early, mid and late in the day, adding to the workforce. Some had to work the heat, some only the last hour.
We have members who helped in the "early" years of our ministry. They helped pay for the first building and laid groundwork for what is active now. For some of us the building and ministries have "always" been there. Someday, Lord willing, we will have new members who will join our new church after it is built and paid for.
One generation is looking at this generation, when they worked in the "heat of the day". Will we someday see others come in at the late hour and feel envy that we worked in the heat and they got it easy?
Who knows if the Lord's return will be generations away or now?
We are called to build the LORD's Church, His people, not buildings. As He chooses we are to be FAITHFUL. What more is there?

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