Thursday, October 16, 2008

What does Your Heart Desire?

In Lev.10 and Num.3 an incident is reported where some Isrealites brought strange fire to the altar. It was the right kind of incense, at the right place, but at the wrong time. Were they reprimanded, turned away? No, God Himself consumed them with fire on site.

In the New Testament in Heb.10 says if they died under Moses law how much sorer punishment if they disregard...the blood of the covenant...insulted the spirit of grace. Jesus gave us HIS WORD and we don't care to read or follow it? INSULT HIM IF YOU DARE.

Don't forget Matt.7 where MANY shall say Lord, Lord have we not done wonderful works in thy name, and He will reply, depart for I never knew you (note: He does not contest what they did).

Faith in Jesus is a path that is on HIS terms not ours, if changes need to be made who is going to move? The question is "Where do the desires come from?".

Phil 2:13 says "It is God which worketh in you to WILL..." and Ps.19:14 "Let... the meditation of my heart of my heart be acceptable...".

The psalm in particular asks that the writers desires, (words and meditation) be acceptable, not they be changed. I think it comes down to more of the root person, but even that, we are His creation, created in His image, created unto good works. He formed us according to a plan, already shaped to fit a destined plan.

What is curious to me is Eccl 3:11 & 8:17 where it seems that God has made the heart of man an unsearchable enigma.

So then there is 1Jn 3:20,21 if our heart condemns us or not. Which reminds me of the Lords prayer which asks "to lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil", nothing about change.

I just want to say when we know our desires are wrong absolutely seek change, but it could be the desires we have may be from God. Case in point was Samson, he sought a wife of the Philistines, in contrast to the Law of Moses, (in his parents view), yet it was of God.

It is the promise of Jehovah, "If any lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally, and ridicules none"

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