My Dog My Metaphor III
Kiera is our latest dog. She is Australian Shepherd and
something (Border Collie?). She is a one person dog. She is very friendly to
all that visit us but it is me she runs to the door to meet. Kiera has another
trait, she sits to eat. In Chinese folk-lore that means she possesses the
spirit of an ancestor, to me she just sits to eat.
I've noticed another odd behavior. When she sits to eat she frequently
turns to look at me. When I leave the room where the dog dish is she leaves off
eating to come find me. If I don't stay, she won't finish. There have been
numerous times when suppertime came part of breakfast is still there. She wants
my presence more than food.
It struck me the other day that this trait is something to
emulate. Is God's presence more important than physical sustenance? If God is
not in my life, can or will I just keep moving on? In the Book of Exodus,
chapter 33, God tells Moses to lead the people into the Promised Land but HE
would not go with them. Moses makes his plea that if God does not go, how will
anyone know if HE was pleased with them. God promised an angel would go before
and root out all the evil nations currently possessing the land but HE Himself
would only watch from a distance. Moses continued to plea on behalf of the
people, till God said HE would accompany them.
My dogs dedication and love causes me to do some
introspection. Is my relationship with God REALLY more important than anything
else in my life? I know that there have been days where I only stopped for a
small prayer over meals but had little other communication with Him. God
desires us to love Him as a wife.
A woman views her whole day in the perspective of her relationship, and
can be upset when her "hubby" does not do the same. Flowers and
kisses (and chocolate) don't replace a loving heart. Being a man I struggle
with the concept of being a bride. We know the Church is the Bride of Christ,
and I am part of that. Putting money in the offering, going to church, or
following some ritual does not replace a loving relationship.
Kiera loves me, I can see it when she wags her tail at my
approach. She is not content to wait in the hall for very long if I am in the
bedroom with the door closed. When I come down the stairs, or come in the house
after being gone somewhere, her tail wags her body. Her spirit cannot be
contained. She jumps, spins, and watches my every movement. I ask how we react
when we see God in our life? More importantly, do I notice when HE is not in
some activity I choose. How long does it take to notice His absence?
I pray not far!
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