Friday, June 3, 2011

Why the book of Acts?

The book of Acts (of the Apostles) is a record of the transition from the age of the Law, to the age of Grace. Not that all rules went away, but actually a higher code where LOVE is the core. True Love is more than a feeling. It shapes everything into expression for the other and not centered on self. It demands REAL commitment.

When baking a cake, is it important if you use baking soda or baking power? They look essentially the same. Why should it matter? For those experienced in baking, they might be very aware, especially if they made such a mistake.

Getting into the book of Acts, we will find a time frame where the new order is mixed and confusing for some. There will be errors made, some small, some very large with catastrophic results. In reality, this was the arrival of a “New Age”. It might be like putting an assemble-yourself car together before anyone knew what a car was. Like unto the first cake ever baked. All the parts/ingredients are there, but it is all new with no example to follow.

The understanding of the book of Acts will invariably guide to what a present church should be and do. The mission and priorities of the Church as a local assembly (if it should be looked at, in that manner) and the Church as a total of all Christ followers (if it should be looked at, in that manner) has foundations in the book of Acts.

The question has been asked, “Have we faithfully modeled the design handed down to us by the Apostles, handed down to them by Christ Himself?” Many have answered, “No”, and created entities that are referred to as cults. A schism exists between large groups that say, “elements of Scripture: A, B, F, and L, are required to be defined as Church”. Another will demand A, B, G, E, and O, to be properly defined. Lively debate over the crucial elements have been going on for two centuries.

“Can we really know what is the truth?” Join in for the next quarter as we delve into the book of Acts, for an honest search of where we come from, why we are here, and where are we going?

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