Monday, November 10, 2008

Rescue Team: On Stand-By

Gentlemen, eyes front! I need your attention. No cloudy minds, no blinking eyes, no premature or late discharge of weapons. Ladies, you are NOT out of this mission. I will have no soldier in battle with unloaded weapons, or unsure defenses, (remember the armor of God, each piece put on with prayer). This is a call to duty. The lives of kidnap victims are at stake. Know your part. Take your position. Do not fail the team.

In taking note of 2 Timothy 3:6, “For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,” I see the operative verbs to be on the part of the kidnappers.

While the silly women bear responsibility for their lusts, they are TAKEN captive. Where are the protectors who should have guarded the houses? In my opinion (for what it is worth) this is the logical conclusion of women’s liberation. The movement pushed for the fairer sex to have its own definition of success, its own achievements, its own rules, its own power base, and its own joys/toys at whatever cost.

What is a logical conclusion you ask? In Buffalo, New York the Niagara River is smooth and slow moving. If you launched a rowboat or canoe it would seem harmless enough. At that point few would notice or say anything. A few miles down river there is a cable stretched across the water at a rather rude height, with a rude and opinionated message. It does not care how you feel, what you believe, or allow you to discuss the topic. I read the sign (from shore) and I forget the actual words but in effect it says, “GET OUT!” The logical conclusion of riding the Niagara River is to go over the falls. When you reach the awareness of the danger, ability to self extricate may no longer be an option.

Our weapons of war (2 Corinth. 10:4) are not for the removing of appendages, but for removing bondages. The sharpness of our sword, to divide joints and marrow, can remove a person from entrapment. Keep in mind that if you jump into homeboy’s ride, stab his $5000.00 Sony XPLOD, and say, “You are free my brother, from the bondage of Rap music”, know that he is likely to whip out his strap an’ put a cap in yo’ ***(put a gun in your face and a bullet in your brain). Conviction and freedom are the work of the Holy Spirit. (Personally I have had the temptation to explode some XPLOD’s myself, even if it is not Christian.)

So let’s go back to the kidnap victims. Where are the fathers or husbands who should be protecting the silly women? Well, the silly part is that the women refused to obey and be under their man’s protection. Granted men have as often failed to take post, but those of us in the church who have eyes to see and ears to hear, are the watchers/rescuers called to pull the rebellious women or lazy men from the fire, if they will hear our Gospel (Jude 1:23).

Christians, you have your mission. Keep yourselves untarnished from the world (James 1:27). Keep eyes peeled for enemy tricks (2 Corinth. 2:11). Sight your target, get in, get out, we are not strong enough to hang out in enemy strongholds, save your ammo, the Big One is coming (1 Corinth. 10:12, Rev. 16:16). Treat the victims gently, they need healing but it takes time (Isaiah 40:11). Know that no soldier of the cross will be left behind (Hebrews 13:5)

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